Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Goodies Giveaway: Dining Out Philly

It's been three amazing years since I started Gluten Free Philly. I offer my heartiest thanks to everyone who has come along for the ride. Your feedback, compliments and tips have been invaluable.

To help me celebrate the blog's third birthday, six gluten-free-friendly Philadelphia restaurants and bakeries are offering you, dear readers and followers, the presents - six gift certificates as part of my "Dining Out Philly" giveaway. There will be six different winners in all (limit one gift certificate per winner).

Participating restaurants are the [NEWLY ADDED] Food For All Cafe and Market (7127 Germantown Ave., 267-297-7122) offering a $30 gift certificate, THE QUICK FIXX [GF pasta] (1511 South St., 267-273-1066), The Tomato Bistro [GF pizza] (102 Rector St., 215-483-2233), Zavino [GF pizza] (112 S. 13th St., 215-732-2400) - each of which is furnishing a $25 gift certificate - and Pure Tacos [all GF] (coming this Spring to 1935 Chestnut St.), where one winner can enjoy lunch every day for a week, a $50 value (two tacos and one drink per day for five days).

The all-gluten free Toté Bakery (1024 S. 9th St., 215-551-5511) and Sweet Freedom Bakery (1424 South St., 215-545-1899) are also offering $25 gift certificates.

To enter up to three different ways, follow the instructions below. Be sure to let me know of your top three choices; although winners will be randomly selected I will try to accommodate specific requests if possible.

Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Comment using:


  1. Turquoise T. angstrazedarmies@gmail.com. I would like to win the certificates for Tote Bakery, Sweet Freedom Bakery, or Zavino.

  2. Lisa R - I would enjoy Pure Tacos, Zavino, and Sweet Freedom. A nice taco lunch, a little pizza and wine for dinner, and a dessert so good, even my husband would go GF for it!

  3. Elisa S. elisaschrank [at] gmail . com I'd love to win any of these gift certificates. Tote Bakery, The Tomato Bistro or Zavino would probably be my top 3!
    Thanks for all of the great info you provide!

  4. I would love the Pure Tacos gift certificate, Tote Bakery or Zavino! Thank you so much for doing this and congratulations on three years!! Hannah J.

  5. Claire T. Tote, Tomato Bistro and Sweet Freedom Bakery Please!!

  6. I'd love any of these gift certs. as well! Tote, Pure Tacos and Sweet Freedom are my top 3!

  7. A gift card to any of the establishments above would be great, but I would love to check out Zavino, The Tomato Bistro or Sweet Freedom! Thanks. Email is ajrote727@gmail.com

  8. Cathy S. Tomato Bistro, Tote, or Sweet Freedom. Thanks for being a great resource!

  9. I would like to win Zavino, Tomato Bistro or Sweet Freedom however ALL sound great!

  10. Kathryn M. I'd like to win the 1. Tote bakery gift certificate, 2. Zavino gift certificate or 3. the Quick Fixx gift certificate. kathryncmcclelland@gmail.com

  11. I have to pick just THREE??? Ok, ok... Tote Bakery, Sweet Freedom and The Tomato Bistro :)

  12. I would go with Zavino, Tomato bistro and Pure Taco

  13. Congrats on the three years! I would love to win the Tote bakery and any of the pizza ones. Thanks for the opportunity! Julie S- julia6476@gmail.com

  14. Lauren: cohenx72@yahoo.com
    I would love to try all but my top 3 would be Tote, Tomato Bistro, and Zavino!

  15. This is a great giveaway! We have tried all of these places thanks to this very blog. I would love to win Tomato Bistro, Sweet Freedom, and Tote Bakery. Thank you!

  16. Molly H. - I would love to win a gift certificate to either Tote Bakery, Sweet Freedom Bakery, or Zavino! YUMM! molly.hale10@gmail.com

  17. Happy 3rd blogday! What a great way to celebrate. I would love to take my daugther to Sweet Freedom, Tote, or Tomato Bistro. Thanks! djt19@hotmail.com

  18. Kristen E.
    Thank you so much for doing this for us gluten free kids! I would love the Tote, Zavino, or Quick Fixx. But they are all wonderful places!

  19. Hi - I've never tried these but we are recently (family of 5) gluten-free. I'd love to take my kids to one of the bakeries and any of the restaurants. Thank you!!!

  20. Happy Anniversary, Michael! And thank you for doing this great work. My top 3 are Zavino (love the place), The Tomato Bistro, and Tote. - Rich S.

  21. Dylan M: Pure Tacos, Tote Bakery and Zavino all the way!

  22. Maura F. 1. Tote bakery 2. Pure Tacos 3. Zavino

  23. keith m. 1. zavino 2. tomato bistro 3. tote bakery

  24. Gina F. - I think Tote bakery is my favorite since they deliver fresh rolls to Paesanos - delicious! We also love their G-free pizza crust at Zavinos - now it is time to taste test The G-free pizza Tomato Bistro!!! Hope I win :)

  25. Lauren W. I'd LOVE to win the prizes from Zavino, Sweet Freedom, & Tote! They're my favs!

  26. Gabriel A- I would like to win Sweet freedom, Tote, or Zavino for my gluten-free girlfriend!

  27. Shelley P.- sreali0907@gmail.com. I would like to win Tote, Pure Tacos, and Zavino. I've never been to any of these places and would love to try!

  28. Ariel L. I like Zavino, Sweet Freedom, or Tote!

  29. Dina D.....Tote, Sweet Freedom, or Tomato Bistro would be lovely. Thanks!

  30. Brian K - I'd like Tote, Zavino, and The Quick Fixx

  31. Christina R. I would love to win Tote, Zavino, or Pure Tacos. Thanks for all you've done!

  32. emily w. i would love to win pure tacos, zavino or quick fixx. THANKS!!

  33. I would very much appreciate Tote, Quick Fixx, or Zavino. Love this blog!

  34. Lara A. I would love to try the tomato bistro, tote or the quick fixx (or any of them)

  35. Am celiac new to Philly! Great to win pure taco, quick fixx or zavino. Or any of them!!!

  36. Zavino, Tomato Bistro, Sweet Freedom. Nom nom nom!!!

  37. Chris M

    I would choose Quick Fixx, Pure Tacos and Tote.

    I love this website - I just got diagnosed with celiac recently, and have used this website since I found out. It's how I learned about Quick Fixx, my go-to delivery choice now.

  38. I would love and of the places in the Cenetr City area.If I win ,it would be one of the few things I have ove.If I do not win,I will enter more n try again.As usual,I thank you for making me aware of places I may shop,go out to dine,and take home new treatsmIm Ron Gold n hope to win.HMU at archie14kphl@yahoo.com

  39. Moira M.
    Whatever is fine with me!!!

  40. Would love sweet freedom bakery, quick fixx and tote bakery

  41. Erin B.
    My son is almost completely dairy free and gluten free so sweet freedom would be AMAZING for him!

  42. i love sweet freddom!!! they are the best bakers ever! i want to win anything from sweet freedom or zavinos :)

  43. Neketa K.
    The Quick Fix,Zavino, Sweet Freedom. Thanks :)

  44. Carrie H
    I would lOVE to win Sweet Freedom Bakery, Pure Taco and Tomato Bistro!!

  45. mary beth
    and i <3 Sweet Freedom Bakery!!! especially since i have a gluten allergy (plus an egg allergy)

  46. Sweet Freedom; Quick Fixx; Pure Tacos

  47. Mike L. yocoach777@yahoo.com would love Sweet Freedom, Quick Fixx or Tomato Bistro

  48. I would love Sweet Freedom Bakery Please - lorimk72@yahoo.com

  49. Would love to win Sweet Freedom, Tote, or Tomato Bistro but any is fine!!!

  50. Melanie H. - quick fixx for my standard penne with garlic olive oil, shrimP, and mozzarella. Sweet freedom for a lemon rasp bar or macaroon. Tote for bagels for the next mOrning!

  51. Sara K. What a great deal! I would enjoy 1) Couch Tomato 2) Tote 3) Sweet Freedom

  52. Ilene L. Thanks for having such a great website! My picks are 1. Tote 2. Sweet Freedom 3. Pure Taco

  53. Toby G. I would love to win Tote, Sweet Freedom or Pure Taco. Congrats on your 3rd anniversary.

  54. Jeff L. Your website has helped my family so much for the past 3 years. Thank you. We hope to win 1 - Pure Taco 2 - Tote Bakery 3 - Sweet Freedom Bakery.

  55. What a great deal! 1 Sweet freedom and quick fixx.

  56. Alicia C
    I would love to enter!
    My Top 3: Tote, Pure Taco, Quick Fixz

  57. Julianne R.
    My top picks are Tomato Bistro, Tote Bakery and Sweet Freedom. I'm new to Philly and eating gluten-free and this blog has been a wonderful guide. Thank you.

  58. Kristen A. Thanks for all your useful information and for having this contest!! Top 3 - 1 Sweet Freedom 2 - Zavino 3 - Quick Fixx

  59. Lisa M
    Happy 3rd Michael. Just found out I am gluten/wheat sensitive. Would like to win The Tomatoe Bistro, Sweet Freedom, Tote. Keep up the go work. Love this website.

  60. Congrats Michael on 3 fab years of opening your posts anxiously awaiting what's new in the GF world. My Three are: Quick Fixx, Tote, and Tomato Bistro. Keep up the great work!!! Thanks for promoting the GF supper club, everyone is really enjoying them!

  61. Sara T - Zavino, Tote, Sweet Freedom!

  62. Laura Z
    Happy Birthday to the greatest most helpful GF blog!
    Pure Tacos, Sweet Freedom, and Tote!

  63. Tomato Bistro, Zavino, or Quick Fixx would be great

    Thank you for maintaining this awesome resource! You are a blessing to the GF community.

  64. Kelley S.
    I love Tote more than a person should! I'm excited to try Pure Tacos when they open next month and I would love to try the pizza at Tomato Bistro. Thank you for your help and for having such an awesome blog!!

  65. Leigh G
    We are so excited to try any and all of the gluten free options you listed! Our daughter (12) is Gluten sensitive and now the whole family tries to eat gluten free. Many of the alternatives on the market contain less than healthy ingredients so for the most part we simply omit bread and baked good from our diet. It would be wonderful to try some tasty, healthy options! Thank you gluten free philly for providing such a wonderful resource!!

  66. Ginnie M - 1. Sweet Freedom, 2. Food For All, 3. Quick Fixx :-)

  67. Maya G.
    Sweet Freedom, Pure Tacos, or Quick Fixx!

  68. Hi,

    All the possibilities sound delicious, but Sweet Freedom, Pure Tacos, and Quick Fixx would be my top choices.

    Thanks fo the contest and the site,

    Paul V.

  69. Vanessa F . Thank you for continuing to provide GF info & updates. Sweet Freedom, Pure Tacos & Zavino!! vanessaupenn@gmail.com

  70. Matt B.

    Tote, Zavino, Quick Fix

    Thanks for this informative blog! It makes us want to visit Philly constantly.

  71. Sarah T. 1. Sweet Freedom 2 Zavino 3. Quick Fix
    Thanks so much for everything you do!!

  72. Thank you so much for your blog! I've used it countless times when looking for places to go with my GF husband! I'm going to go with Food for All, Sweet Freedom, and Zavino.

  73. Top three choices are Sweet Freedom, Tote, and Pure Tacos. Thanks so much for your great blog. I've been a celiac for many years and didn't really make much effort to replace all the carbs I had to cut. Last summer my 8 year old son was diagnosed and I'm so glad the world has finally started making edible choices for us! Now if we could just get the pricing in line, life would be great. Keep up the good work! Jane B.

  74. I love Tote's bread and really enjoyed walking across the street to Paesano's and having a delicious corned beef sandwich, I was in heaven. Looking forward to Pure Tacos.

  75. Robin K.
    Food for all, sweet freedom, tomato bistro
    Thank you!

  76. They all sound great!! Especially Sweet Freedom and Pure Tacos.

  77. Liz S. mercerceliacsupport@gmail.com

    Tote Bakery, Food for All, Pure Taco

    Cheers to three years, Michael!
