A seasoned mix of potato chips, corn chips, pretzels and corn nuts, Medleys - and bagel chips called Bagel Snaps - are new products from El's Kitchen. Both gluten-free snacks are free of gluten, dairy, nuts, high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, artificial flavors and cholesterol.
Eleanor "El" Smith, the owner of El's Kitchen, earned an MBA from the Wharton School of Business in Philadelphia and spent her corporate days working as a planner and consultant before embarking on a new career in the food industry. Now living in Connecticut, El sought out to create gluten-free foods after she learned a friend was diagnosed with celiac disease.
Each production run is sampled and tested to confirm gluten levels do not exceed 10 ppm.
Each production run is sampled and tested to confirm gluten levels do not exceed 10 ppm.
Snaps are available in 3-oz. and 1-oz. individual bags and Medleys are available in 5-oz. and single-serve 2-oz. bags. At the moment, the closest markets to the Delaware Valley selling the snacks are in western Pennsylvania and New York City, but they are available for purchase online.
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